
Monday, 31 July 2017

Equipment in science

this is a beaker it's used for holding liquid in it.
it's important in science.

this is a test tube.

100mL Measuring cylinder.

250mL Conical Flask

this is a 100mL Beaker and 50mL Beaker

this is a Thermometer (in a plastic case)

this is a  Stirring Rod and a test tube tongs.
pipe clay triangle

bunsen burner
scissor tongs


gauze mat

heatproof mat


  1. Nice work Eddy,you have showed me some of the science equipment and what they are used for.maybe you should show me how to use them.

  2. Hi, Eddy. I liked this blog post. I liked the way you labelled the science equipment to let the people know what it is. Maybe next time write what it is used for and, change the font to make it stand out. But anyways, Great Job!


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