Last term we made ID tags for our learning in CMM1 and today I gotta make a blog about the work that I have done to make the ID tag. Fist we got a nice long thin piece of metal and we cut out a good enough size for us to make the ID tag with, we filed and sanded off the edges and side so the bit of metal pocking out wouldn't scratch or cut us after we filed and sanded the piece of metal we went on smoothing the surface and edges of the piece of metal. We put some blue liquid to put on the piece of metal so, in future, we would see the outlines that would be put on the piece of metal, after we have outlined the metal, in the middle of the outlines we put on the piece of metal, we would drill a hole through once we have drilled the hole we put in our own designs with letters that we have engraved on to our work, after that we polished our designs to give it more of a glow.