
Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Fairy tail.

This week we have started writing about fairy tail writing this is what I have done.  
intro:It was a normal day making my daily clickbait videos I mean my good content videos, I love my videos
and my how i’m good at fortnite.

physical setting:I heard there were magical beans located at the south of England UK, I was determined to
get these magical beans. I heard if you got the beans your body will turn into a clickbaiter.

Characters: I heard there was an ugly giant, Sameer and the grant prize a hairy golden chicken for myself
ali a, the chicken will be the ultimate clickbait.

Hook to the problem: once I climbed the the beanstalk I heard something dangerous, it sounded so
dangerous  that it was clickbait worthy...

Problem: There is a big ugly giant, the face on the giant was horrifying I had to make a clickbait video.
The giant said these exact words, “FE FI FOU FUM I SMELL A CLICKBAIT ON MY DRUM”   

Thursday, 25 October 2018


We were heating a solid to a liquid then a gas, how we did that is what i am going to talk about. The first thing We did was to get the beaker then we put the beaker on to a gauze, the gauze was on top of a tripod, under the tripod was a bunsen burner. We put the solid it aka ice in the beaker to start the process, we also put a thermometer to measure the heat of the ice/ liquid. Sooner after the ice/solid turned into a liquid which was water, then it turn into steam which was the gas.

  1. Set up the tripod, gauze and the bunsen burner.
  2. Take a Beaker and put the beaker on top of the gauze.
  3. Turn the bunsen burner on and wait till solid truns to liquid then to gas.
Potassium Permanganate 

We did a little experiment on potassium permanganate. What will happened to it when it was in water, we put it in the water and it diffused in the water. it was amazing to look at and i had fun.