
Wednesday, 25 July 2018

New building

New school.

This is what i think about the building. I think the new building is a
good and bad from my point of view because the cafeteria i packed
with people and it’s really small the food is great but there aren’t
many seats to sit on. The rule that Mr Scott made was clear you don’t go in the cafeteria unless you are buying anything or you need to
go to the library but, i see people that sit in the cafeteria with there
food that they bring from home which means less people who buys
food in the cafeteria get to sit down and enjoy their own food that
they bought with their own money. The good bit about it is that
some classes get new rooms for them to work in which is great
and amazing there are new offices for the office ladies and new
rooms for principal and all the other important teachers. That's
what i thought about the new class rooms.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eddy

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post about the cafeteria in the new school. It is great to see that you are following Mr Scott's expectations about the sitting area, and hopefully as time goes on and people get used to the new space, others will follow your example.

    I like how you wrote a longer paragraph and added details to support your ideas. Well done, Eddy!

    - Miss Birtch


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