
Friday, 15 June 2018

Art by Sam and Eddy

1. Eddy: My logo is Superman logo with an e. Sam: My logo is my name with cool letters.  Eddy: My inspiration was the superman logo. Sm: My one was just of the top of my head.

2. Eddy: I didn't have any trouble. Sam: I cut myself once with the linocut. 

3. Eddy: Mine means I am a hero because superman is a hero Sam: Mine doesn't really mean anything. I just like draw cool block letters.

4. Eddy: The lino cutting was my favourite because it's a new thing I have learned. Sam: Mine was drawing the draft because I like drawing

5. We both learned how to do lino cutting,

6. A famous lino cutter is Sybil Andrews. Unfortunately she died at 1992. She was a really good lino cutter.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eddy and Sam,
    I really like how you chose to share your work together in pairs. That is showing commitment to the task and not letting anything get in the way of finishing your work.
    It was also interesting to read the different ideas the two of you had and how they contrast with each other.
    Keep up the excellent work!
    - Miss Birtch


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